Whitesboro Census


City: 4,021 76273 Zip Code: 10,097 County: 118,478 State: 23,507,783

The Whitesboro City population shows an increase of 6.94% and a 20.29% increase in the 76273 zip code area which is above the State of Texas 12.74%.

Median Age

City: 37.2 76273 Zip Code: 10,097 38.1 County: 37 State: 33.4


Unemployment Rate

Whitesboro is located in Grayson County and the Sherman-Denison MSA. The current unemployment rate for Sherman-Denison MSA reporting November 2009 is 8.2% above the State average of 7.9% but below the National average of 9.4%. To review the current status click here.

Cost of Living vs. US Average

The cost of living in Whitesboro Texas is 17.17% lower than the US average at a percent rate of 82.83.  The State of Texas cost of living is also lower than the US average at a percent rate of 79.70 a 20.30% lower cost per 100.

Home Appreciation

Currently the home appreciation in the 76273 zip code is up 9.14% considerably above the State at 0.93%.  This increase is due partially to the increase of raw land purchases and the influx of Equine ranches and facilities.  The median home cost is $185,000.00 for the 76273 zip code area. 

Temperature / Climate

July High Averages January Low Averages
City:   94°F     State:   95°F City:  32°F      State:    33°F
Inches of Rain Inches of Snow
City:   43"        State:    30" City:   3"          State:     3"
Precipitation Days in Year Sunny Days in Year
City:  73          State:    62 City:   228       State:   235


Median Household Income  

City: $37,754 76273 Zip Code: $45,412 County: $41,972 State: $46,539


The average one-way commute is 28 minutes with 76% of City of Whitesboro employees commuting to work, 18% carpool, 1% work from home and 1% use mass transit.  The State of Texas worker commute average at 28 minutes is 79%, 14% carpooling, 3% work from home and 2% use mass transit.  Whitesboro is unique in offering mass transit to some major out of area manufactories. 


The information listed here was complied with information from the U.S. Census Bureau, Sperling’s BestPlaces, and City-Data.com.